Back Blasts
Check out what’s going on in the region
Turkey feces or Turkey balls that is the answer!
Turkey feces or Turkey balls Rolling Stone back blast 5 men gathered to learn some important information about extremely outrageous things 30 second warning given followed by a hard start and a hurry up to get out of the wind Stopping at the corner of the parking lot...
Hole in None
Remind yourselves daily that we have been chosen to spread the light
schweatyballs special guests stolen ideas but not a single calorie
way better than being a gym rat with no compatriots
YHC rolled into the AO and knew he was late because Pasqually was sitting on the curb waiting. PAX was gathered and being entertained by Navy who was telling how his employee was swindled out of $500 of his money. Believe it or not, it wasn't the first time this has...
Visitor day at the QARB
YHC was glad to be back out after a 2 week hiatus due to cold and sinus woes. With the boys from off almost outnumbering the locals the 2 minute and 1 minute warnings were given. Mission statement and disclaimer were given and we were off to a rolling warmara. At tree...
Love where you live
how people react is between them and God, our job is to plant the seed. – Cyclops
awe shucks
Today started off great and then I came home and asked my wife if she’d ever made love to a 54yr old, she said,
“Do I have to answer that?🥴
Today is the last day of the first half of the year, we’ve got alot to be thankful for (especially Griswold) in the last 182.5 days – lets make the next 182.5 better
YHC arrived to the glowing lights of WCHS. The PAX knew a special Q was coming and went all out. The lights were brighter than a re carpet walk during the Academy Awayds. YHC quickly found out they were repaving Bridges and not to get excited. Finally the PAX rolled...
UNC Morehead morning
YHC was glad to see the Pax outnumber the HC's this beautiful morning. With PAX and bikes all around, YHC gave 2 minute and 1 minute warnings followed by the mission statement and we were off side by side with the Mountain Goats headed east. We peeled off at the...
Q school at the Knarr
YHC was glad to see so many Pax show to attend the Q school workout this morning. With the surge of new guys it was past time to grow and serve by training in the basics of the art of the Q. 2 minute and 1 minute warnings were given and the Q introduced himself....
YHC pulled in to the AO with about 4 mins to spare to find most of the Pax on site and waiting for the hard start in the warmth of their vehicles. We circled up and said our good mornings while we waited for the rest of the Pax and a hard start. At 5:30 I called for...
Can you pass the test ????
Warmup of 4 corners to loosen up and warm up on this colder than it has been lately. Once we were warm the pax were led to the curb to do my two favorites of Curb Alperts and Toe taps. After two rounds 15, 10 YHC divided the pax up into 3 lines to start their chance...
Sneaky 3.15 Miles
Mosie, Music, & More Mosie
We Mosier to the Boondocks where we circled around a speaker. Tunes played while we jogged, high knees, butt kicked, happy feet in place, bropees in between. Then hydraulic squats, ballerina squats, air drama squats, with burros in between. Next drop the hanky with...
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