- When: 7/12/21
- Workout Style: bootcamp
- QIC: ponch
- PAX: spaulding r, tarhole, griswold, cyclops rr, couchpotato rr, pasquale, sparkles, skidmark r, maytag, cooter, ginger, purplerain, kiwi, sandflea, pillbox rr and yhc
- AO: Back Blasts, Boonedocks
I have had so much fun the last 10 days being a beach cart toting, Shabumi sitting, Michelob ultra prickly pear infusion drinking, ITB Tourist that I forgot i had the Q. Luckily I can always break out the Q SHIRT
Big Sexy x10
Double wide Merkin, Star Jump, WW1 x15
Mike Tyson, Calf Raises, American Hammers x20 — Racked and Unstacked along the dirtiest road in Cape Carteret
Add in Urkins and Dips watching the sunrise and you have yourself a Glorious beginning to another beautiful day in the life of ……US ALL.
I love the Boondocks Q – its the big stage, thanks for sharing the morning with me and reaffirming to my buddy Spaulding what and why it is I continue to rave about about the Crystal Coast.
3rd F is something I highly recommend carving the time out for, I personally am so impressed with the wisdom and insight every Tuesday I can be there. Thank you Gents .
how people react is between them and God, our job is to plant the seed. – Cyclops
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