- When: 7/2/21
- Workout Style: bootcamp
- QIC: ponch
- PAX: Lactose, Amelia, Kiwi, Sand Flea, Ron Burgandy R, Pastor C, Birdman, Yani, Weinstein RR, Jenny Finch, Tonya, Pasquale, Carpetbagger, Sparkles, Dash8 RR, Skidmark R, Ginger, Princess, Doogie RR, Navy R, Cyclops RR and even Purple Rain
- AO: Brandywine Bay 24 Side, Hash Mark
Im honored to have been able to lead today. Thanks for sharing your morning with me. I had a great time. Normally Id be trying to spin a carefully thought out tale of the days events but I was so concerned with remembering the plan that I think I blacked out after “plant grow and serve”.
Anyone who wants to borrow my Rack n Stack Winki is more than welcome.
1.97 miles of pure gold as far as im concerned
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