Respect Recovery

When: 07/29/19 Workout Style: Bands Bootcamp QIC: Navy PAX: Wilson (respect), Dash8 (repsect), Navy (QIC) AO: Band of Brothers, Morehead City YHC and Wilson needed an active recovery day from the Sasquatch and Dash8 needed to ease back in after a 10 day tailgate in...

Old guy stuff

When: 6/21/19 Workout Style: Bootcamp QIC: Navy PAX: Huckabee (Respect FOUR IN A ROW), Cheech, Avenatti, Halftime, PurpleRain, Pillbox (respect), DumpsterDawg, Navy (QIC) AO: Cape Carteret Expansion Glorious morning to try something new.  YHC was thrilled to see...