When: 11/07/19 Workout Style: SOCIAL STUDIES QIC: CouchPotato PAX: SEE ATTACHED PIC AO: Back Blasts, Boonedocks, Cape Carteret Baptist Church, Cape Carteret Expansion, Croatan High School, Emerald Isle, Field of Dreams, Green Mile, Hwy 58 & Islander, Prometheus,...

Fresh faces at the Green Mile

When: 10/21/19 Workout Style: Run QIC: Griswold PAX: Cheech, Maytag, Couch Potato (respect), frankNbeans (respect respect), Laettner, burnout, bedsore, hacksaw, faceplant FNG, Rerun FNG, Griswold QIC AO: Emerald Isle, Green Mile Two new faces were already standing in...

A Friendly Fartlek

When: 10/07/19 Workout Style: Run QIC: FrankNBeans PAX: Maytag, Purplerain, Couchpotato, Laetner, Pillbox, Cheech, MeMe, Bedsore, Softwood, Burnout, Ponch AO: Emerald Isle, Green Mile The Greatest Green Mile saw a compilation of the Greatest runners this side of...

The answer is “E”

When: 09/15/19 Workout Style: run QIC: ponch PAX: FrankNBeans, Burnout, Ponch with a guest appearance by Cheech AO: Emerald Isle BACK BLAST This glorious morning brought to you by 4.25 miles at someone else’s pace cause it wasn’t mine. Many thanks gents,...