- When: 10/8/19
- Workout Style: Boot Camp
- QIC: Monkey Wrench
- PAX: Suitcase (Respect), Depends, SpongeBob, Shroom, Gertrude, Ron Burgundy (Respect), Creflo Dollar
- AO: Back Blasts, Queen Ann's Revenge, Rotary Park
As YHC sat alone in the parking lot, watching a blowing mist, I was half-hoping that nobody would show. The F3 faithful are too strong to let a little weather keep them in the fartsack though. A few white GMC trucks pulled into the parking lot and then Shroom rolled in, blasting some Devo which put the Pax in the proper spirit. Next thing you know it was hard start.
We moseyed to the basketball court
- Side Straddle Hop X 20 IC
- Cotton Pickers X 10 IC
- Abe Vigoda X 10 IC
- Willie Mays Hayes X 10 IC
- Right over Left / Left over Right
Mosey to the nearby parking lot for 2 rounds of Aiken Legs (20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Lunges (each leg), and 20 Squat Jacks)
Mosey to the next lot for Bear Crawls with 5 Merkins at each line
Mosey to the playground for 2 rounds of Howling Monkeys and 2 rounds of Seal Jacks while a member of the Pax does pull-ups.
Mosey to the picnic tables for
- Dips X 10 SC
- Derkins X 10 SC
- Step-ups X 10 SC
- Urkins X 10 SC
- Another round of the above with 12 reps, then 14 reps
Mosey to the next parking lot for
- Cariocas with Side Straddle Hops at each end
- Side Shuffles with Side Straddle Hops at each end
- Parking Spacers
- Lunge with 5 Squats at each line
Mosey around the Tree of Life and back to the flag for
- Xs and Os
- LBCs
I tried to make this an “old school” bootcamp workout. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. It was my pleasure to lead.
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