No time for standing around talking. It was too cold. At 5:30am we left the bellers behind for a . . .


@ The Patio – SSHs 15 IC

@ Swaggart’s Black Ice Rink – CPs 15 IC

@ the eastside CCC parking lot – Merkin’s Dog

@ the top of Deebo’s Hill – Sun Gods 10 IC forward, 10 reverse

Next it was . . .


8 hand release burpees at the top of the hill, 1 monkey humper IC at the bottom, and then a return to the top of the hill for some balls to the wall, 7 count each man. Then it was 7 hand release burpees at the top followed by 2 monkey humpers IC at the bottom, and so on until we were finished with the nines. Each time at the top we stopped for a round of balls to the wall, 7 count each man (7 1/2 minutes of balls total).  We then moseyed to The Pond for . . .


1/2 lap – 5 merkins

1/2 lap – 5 merkins + 10 Carolina drydocks

1/2 lap – 5 merkins + 10 Carolina drydocks + 15 LSFs IC

1/2 lap – 5 merkins + 10 Carolina drydocks + 15 LSFs IC + 20 wojo squats

We had about 14 minutes left, so we lined up for an Indian Run,  6 minutes out and 6 minutes back, reaching the beginning of Evans Street before turning around and returning to the flag for . . .


American Hammers (Blart)

Xs & Os (YHC)


Well the goods news is that no one gained weight and Poca beat Dipper. We can’t have a non-poster win the weight loss competition. Hairy Head has not paid and has not been heard from since Steamer ran him into the dirt his FNG day, so he has been DQ’d. MyT should also be DQ’d, but he has until 5pm today to weigh in at my office and pay me.  We joined the bells for COT and Big Mic took us out in prayer.  As always, it was an honor to lead.


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