The numbers were a little light today as there had been mumblechatter on Slack that this workout would include numerous Burpees. I am not sure where a rumor like that would start, because YHC is not a fan. All that said, the 9 men who showed, were spirited and ready to go.
We had a brief disclaimer and moseyed to the front parking lot for…

Cotton Pickers IC x 15
Sun Gods IC x 10
Sun Gods in Reverse IC x 10
Windmills IC x 15
Standing Forward Bend – silent 10 count

The Thang
From the Front Parking Lot we crossed the street and lined up in the Church Parking Lot for a little partner work.
Partner 1 sprinted 75 yards down and 75 yards back while Partner 2 performed 10 to 15 Burpees OYO until Partner 1 returned. The partners then switched roles. Two full rounds were completed.

Next we ran to the Trail along Bridges Street where we made 4 stops on our down and back run.
Stop 1 = 5 Burpees OYO and 20 LBC’s IC
Stop 2 = 5 Burpees OYO and 10 Hand Release Merkins IC
Stop 3 = 5 Burpees OYO and 20 Low Slow Flutter IC
Stop 4 = 5 Burpees OYO and 20 LBC’s IC

We then ran back across the street to Bus Parking Lot where some cones had been set up and we performed 2 exercises.
Suicides – using the cones as our markers ending in a final down and back sprint from the lightpole on one side of the parking lot to the lightpole on the other side of the lot.
Broad Jump Burpees – Roughly 30 yards out and 30 yards back.

Upon completion we moseyed to the Bench and Wall area where we performed:
1. Dips IC x 20
2. Urkins SC x 15
3. Derkins SC x 15
4. Merkins SC x 15
5. Peoples Chair – 10 count each man
6. Balls to the Wall – 5 count each man

We then ran to the track where we did 5 more Burpees before lining up for an Indian Run. At the halfway point of the lap, we stopped and knocked out 5 more Burpees, then lined up for the final portion of our Indian Run.
At this point, we had just enough time for a good round of the Protractor.
All told, we ran 2.6 miles and each man completed at least 50 Burpees.

Announcements/ Moleskin/ COT
There were no major announcements, aside from the next workouts, but there were a few prayer requests from Second Mile and Ricardo. YHC led the PAX in prayer after quickly discussing a passage from Revelation (Revelation 3:1-6) that basically says that we need to strengthen ourselves, because our deeds are unfinished in the eyes of God.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead!


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