Another fantastic morning with perfect weather in Carterico for a workout on the waterfront.  Great showing this morning for the bands and a great effort by all.

Warm A Rama
Mosey one block, Cotton pickers, Sun Gods (forward and backward)

Turn right, Mosey another block, Side Straddle Hops in Cadence x25, Wind Mills, Imperial Walker

Turn right, Mosey a block, 3 burpees OYO, Stretch what YOU need to stretch

The Thing

Interval training rotating between a cardio exercise and band work– 40 second exercise / 20 second active rest

Set 1   (4 minutes total) Bicep Curl with Band / Mountain Climbers  -Repeat (switching arms)

Set 2  Overhead Press w/ Band / High Knee Raises  -Repeat (switching arms/knees)

Set 3 Arm Press w/Band / Step Ups  -Repeat

Set 4  Upright Row w/Band /Jab, Cross, Left Uppercut, Right uppercut  -Repeat

Set 5  Squats w/ band, Backwards run  -Repeat

Set 6  Merkins, Sprint at 80%  -Repeat


American Hammer  25 in cadence, 20 IC Low slow flutters, LBC’s in cadence to a hard stop.

Announcements, Prayer Requests, Spinal Tap took us out in prayer.

Thanks for the opportunity fellas!

TClap |