Support Your Local Drug Dealer

When: 07/03/19 Workout Style: Ruck QIC: Sparkles PAX: Pillbox, Weinstein, Tony Romo, Laettner, Sparkles AO: Back Blasts, Prometheus Five men met on this wet morning to get a little bit better.  We discussed possible routes for our trek and at 5:15 we had our hard...

Hashmark Birthday Party

When: 06/28/19 Workout Style: Boot Camp QIC: Sparkles PAX: Ricardo, Monkey Wrench, Newman, Lemon Jello, Kiwi, Griswold, Cooter, Maytag, Sparkles AO: Back Blasts We had nine strong men met at The Hashmark all arrivals were on time, impressive work Kiwi and Maytag....