• When: 02/09/19
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Monkey Wrench
  • PAX: Li'l Smokey, Puddles (Respect), Pocahontas, Newman, Frosted Flake, Buckeye, Madoff (Respect), Crabby Englishman, Plunger
  • AO: Back Blasts, Hero Patriot, Morehead City

YHC arrived at the AO early to place cones along the Bridges St. running trail.  At about the 0.3 mile mark, the trail was blocked by yellow caution tape.  Uh oh, what to do?  This was to be the main event of today’s workout and, being an engineer, YHC does not do well with last minute changes to the plan.  Upon closer examination as to the reason for the tape, YHC saw no damage to the trail itself but did notice a large, broken pine limb draped precariously across the power line directly over the trail.  OK the wind is blowing about 20 but what are the odds that the limb would fall and bring the line down at the exact moment the Pax is running under?  After a quick calculation and determining that the odds were in our favor, Plan A was still in effect.  The 4 new cones, still smelling of toxic Chinese chemicals, were placed in the exact, gps-confirmed positions and YHC made a quick mosey back to the AO to meet the Pax.

Nine other vehicles soon assumed their parking spaces and as the clock struck Hard Start, YHC led the Pax on a brisk mosey to the front of the Home of the Patriots where a gaggle of giggling girls had gathered to go gallavanting on this gorgeous, glorious morning.  (That there is known as alliteration, boys.)  Someone said it was cheerleaders heading out to support one of the mighty Patriot athletic teams.  Someone else offered that the cheerleaders needed a leader and that Dipper was a good candidate.  I’m pretty sure I then heard something about a fox and a hen house but I cannot confirm that is accurate.  Anyway, the Pax circled up and we began.


  • Mosey across Country Club Rd to the head of the aforementioned running trail with the appropriate traffic warnings to Poca.


YHC wanted to set up a workout that would equalize the differences between the runners and non-runners.  The idea was that the Pax would run at their pace to the first cone, do 5 Burpees, pick up the 6, run to the cone again, and repeat until the 6 arrived at the cone.  Therefore the fastest Pax would get extra running AND extra Burpees.  Unfortunately for the plan, the Pax was fairly evenly balanced and the 6 was rarely very far behind the leader.  Anyway the run continued to the News Times office where the Pax circled up for a round of Big Sexy (20 Monkey Humpers, 20 Pickle Pounders, and 20 Boss Tweeds).  Then we returned to the trail head, repeating the trip out except sans Burpees.

When the Pax arrived at the end of the trail we moved over to the mostly empty Glad Tidings parking lot.  Here we ran Parking Spacers (run the white line, side shuffle at the parking stop, backpeddle the white line, 3 squats, continue to the end of the row).  After the 1st row, YHC called for an Omaha and eliminated the squats.  We continued the Parking Spacers down the 2nd row and back up the 3rd row.  Contrary to Buckeye’s exclamation, it was not 100 spaces.  I had already checked on Google Maps, it was 90 spaces.

With our thighs sufficiently warmed up, we moseyed back across Country Club Rd (Clear Poca!) past Duckbutter Stadium to the track for a 3/4 lap Indian Run.

We had time for 1 Bleacher Snake and it was back to the “flag”.


  • American Hammers x 15 IC
  • Xs and Os to the Hard Stop.


YHC led the group in prayers for Lassie’s brother, Laettner and his M, and Tommy Creech.

The Hero Patriot tradition is for the Q to dedicate the workout to a hero.  Since the 6th anniversary of my dad’s death was a few days prior, I dedicated this workout to dad’s in general and my dad specifically.  There haven’t been many days in these 6 years that I haven’t thought of my dad.  I have many regrets for things I said to him and things I never said.  Guys, if your father is still with you on this earth consider it a blessing.  Don’t take these days for granted.

Monkey out

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