• When: 06/07/2018
  • Workout Style: Boot camp
  • QIC: Holiday Mansion
  • PAX: RonBurgundy,Pasqually,Misty,Jangalang,Whiteboots,Frosted Flake,Rameses,Bayliner,Ricardo,The second mile,Squid,Plunger,Aflac
  • AO: Back Blasts, Morehead City, Swashbuckler

What a great day to Q in Carterico.  YHC has Q’d most of the western workouts in Carterico but by some chance had never had the pleasure of Q’ing the Swash.  After a restless night of tossing and turning trying to decide what we would do, I rolled in to West Carteret early to find Squid and Pasqually headed out for a standard.  As the PAX rolled in it was evident by the numbers that a few loyal F3 Pax had rallied the troops in support of this site today.  Once the head count was up to 14, the mission statement and disclaimer were given and we were off for warmarama.  We circled up in the front parking lot for the usual: SSH x 25 IC, Imperial walkers, sun gods, windmills, cotton pickers, and leg stretches. Once warmed up we headed for the track.

YHC is a fan of the “merken mile” and tries to use different varieties on occasion.  With the track at our disposal we could stop every 100 meters for 10 merkens and end up handily sneaking in 160 at the end of one mile.  Once we completed 4 laps totaling 1600 meters and the corresponding merkens we took to the bleachers for some calf raises.  We did sets of 10 raises with feet pigeon toed in, out, and straight ahead for a total of 30, rinsed and repeated with 20 more at each position for 60 more.  From here we moseyed back around the school to the tennis courts.  Several of our more sheltered PAX didn’t even know WC had tennis courts.  We partnered up for a little dora.  Partner 1 does the exercise while partner 2 rounds the outer loop around all 3 tennis courts, switch places and repeat.  We did this with LBC’s, WWI’s, Plankjacks, Monkey humpers, and SSH.  Now we  moseyed back to the pull up area for a repeat of last weeks dora by Whiteboots. Partner 1 does 5 burpees while partner 2 does 5 pull ups then switch places and repeat.  This continued until everyone had performed 25 burpees and 25 pull ups.  From here we moseyed back toward the shovel flag by way of the tennis courts and school front.  I had promised Rameses at least 2.5 miles if he showed and I am a man of my word. Aflac pointed out as we took off that time was getting short and we were running the long way home.  Once we made it back to the general area of the flag, we took to balls to the wall for a 10 count per man that, with 14 men, almost did us in.  With 45 seconds left we sprinted back to the flag and finished up with 25 american hammer IC to a hard stop sharp.

While in the COT it was announced by Whiteboots that YHC will be taking the helm as site Q for the Swash.  I want to thank Whiteboots for taking the site from Second mile and now passing the torch on to me.  I will try and not disappoint. That being said, please sign up as I reach out for Q’s. West Careret is a great place to Q with many options at our disposal.

Prayers lifted up by YHC for doublemint, Blart’s M, Second mile’s neighbor and family.  Thanks to all who posted especially those not known to usually make it past the court on Thursdays.  I look forward to this year as site Q.


Holiday Mansion

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