Three PAX members joined YHC on my one year anniversary and mother nature added a little shower to the mix.  As I arrived a little ahead of Dance Hall, I checked the radar to see how long it would be before the rain would reach us.  WiFi and Reef pulled in as the shovel flag was being planted.  5, 3, 2, and 1 minute warnings were given follow by a welcome, 5 core principles, and a disclaimer and we were off for a short mosey around the light poles.  Circle up for:



Cotton Pickers

Sun Gods


The Thang

Each member would draw a card from the deck and perform the number of reps associated with that card.  The routine was to start at the crosswalk area with the first card, perform the exercise, mosey to the 3rd light pole and repeat exercise, then mosey back to the crosswalk behind right field and repeat exercise, mosey to light pole by entrance gate to ball field and repeat, and mosey back to starting area and plank or go back for the 6.  We repeated this process for a total of 5 rounds. The breakdown of exercises were as follows:

Hearts = Carolina Dry Docks

Diamonds = Boss Tweeds

Spades = Mountain Climbers

Clubs = Merkins

Next was a short mosey to the picnic area by the playground area for the following :

3 rounds of



Step ups

A return mosey to outfield wall for

People’s Chair 3 rounds

1st – 10 count per man down and back

2nd- 5 count left leg up and return with 5 count right leg up

3rd – Hold people’s chair position for 1 minute


A little stretching performed with

Legs apart reaching down to the ground

Right over left

Left over right

Hard Stop

Announcements and prayer concerns were made and Reef Donkey jtook us out in prayer.

I want to thank each of you for helping me celebrate 1 year in F3.  It has definitely been a rewarding experience that will continue for years to come.  I have learned quite a bit about myself and how to be a better person because of this experience.  Many thanks go out to all of F3 Caterico especially for Doublemint, whom without him inviting me out, I may still be stuck in the gym doing nothing but cardio 3 days a week.   I look forward to continuing being around such an amazing group of men who push me to get better each and every post.

Until we meet again……



TClap |