6 PAX members joined YHC on this glorious Monday morning in the gloom to get better.  When I arrived at eh AO, I noticed that most of the men had already left their vehicles and started assembling around the fountain area as I had to travel back around the block to find a park, someone had parked a bus right in front of Red Fish so my regular parking spot was not accessible.  With flag in place, warnings of 5, 3, 2, 1 were given and I started on our opening statement as Bambard came in hot.  I slowed the speech a little to allow him to make it in under the time limit without a penalty of burpees.   I quickly informed the men that our warmarama would be a convergence with the Tablesetters (requested by Duckbutter.)  Flawless mission statement and we were off for a short mosey to the parking lot across from Southern Salt for:


Cotton Pickers IC x 15 (Immigrant)

SSH IC x 20 (Duckbutter)

Imperial Walker x 20 (Immigrant)

Monkey Humpers x 20 (Okinawa)

Sun Gods IC x 20 (Immigrant)

Windmill IC x 20 (Duckbutter)

As the Tablesetters left on their little journey with a large number, we moseyed back to the cutting board to begin our own workout.

The Thang

Bicep Curls x 15 (right then left)

Shoulder press x 15 (right then left)

Upright Row x 15

Bent Over Row x 15 (right then left)

Mosey around Red Fish and repeat exercises again

Next we picked a picnic table to perform the following:

3 Rounds

Dips x 15 IC

Step Ups x 10 each leg

Urkins x 15 SC

Pick up bands and find a post for the following:

2 rounds

Seated Rows x 15

Kneeling Chest Press x 15

Kneeling Chest Fly x 15

One more quick mosey around the block and time for


LBC’s x 15

WWI x 15

LSF’s x 15

Box Cutter x 15

Announcements were made along with prayer request and Spinal Tap took us out the only way he knows how.

Again, it was a honor gentlemen and until then…..




TClap |