What a glorious morning to wake up. Love to hear that Lassie.  YHC was called upon last Saturday to work, so YHC asked to take this Saturday instead.  With PurpleRain consenting and a late night message from CouchPotato asking to do some Abs, the plan was in place.  YHC took off like a shot not wanting to be late and forgot an important part for the workout.  With time to spare, lollygagged it into Food Lion and found what was needed. (Cards)  Now we can have some fun.  Nice to see everyone bright eyed and bushy tailed when the Q arrived.  With a 1 minute warning yelled over from YHC truck as the layers were coming off (dang it was warm), cards in pocket, weinke in hand, and lets Mosey.

Rolling Warmarama

  • First stop was SSH 15 IC, Cotton Pickers 15 IC
  • Second stop was Windmills 15 IC, Sun Gods 10 IC fwd, rev

The Thang

  • To please my fellow Respect brother we would have an Ab beat down.
  • 1 Burpee
  • 10 Count ATM’s (the right way) Alternating Shoulder taps, Tempo Merkins, Merkins slow and form perfect
  • 2 Burpees
  • 10 Count Bay City Scissors
  • 3 Burpees
  • 10 Count Copperhead Squats
  • 4 Burpees
  • 10 (8 count) Dr W’s  – Man YHC loves that one
  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 SC Erkins

Global warming (15 count exercises) was had by all pax. First call was to the left and drop for Box Cutters, to the right and drop for Dying Cockroaches, to the left and drop for LBC’s, to the right and drop for properly done Freddy Mercury’s (not fast but make sure you get in the ab twist).  Let the Ab workout begin.

The pax circled up and drew a card:  Diamonds-American Hammers 15 IC, Hearts-LBC’s 15 IC, Spades-WWI’s 15 SC, Clubs-Box Cutters 15 IC.  No idea why YHC left the Spades and Clubs in the deck only one was pulled for WWI’s.  Every other pick was American Hammers then LBC’s, American Hammers then LBC’s, Q had enough and made the Diamond pickers call their exercise and Q called the LBC’s.  Q was accused of counting the easy ones.  Well yea, that’s a good Q, using your pax when needed.  Back to the top with a reversal of the Burpee count – 5,4,3,2,1 with the same exercises as in the opening volley.  On to my dedication to a pax I miss at workouts The Big Sexy.  15 IC Monkey Humpers, 15 IC Pickle pounders, 15 IC Boss Tweeds.  Next was another favorite of YHC the Captain Therkins.  1 WWI x 4 American Hammers + 5 Merkins up to 5 WWI x 20 American Hammers + 5 Merkins.  Great jack webb series if done without a break.

Decided to give the pax a break and brought out a relic from the past.  Railroad tracks (3 man a side) to the first set of bleachers Plank with a jump over and then Railroad to Pavilion chillcut with a jump over.  Fatigue has set in so on to a double set of Dips 10 IC, 10 Erkins SC, 5 Dips IC, 5 Erkins SC.  Mosey back to the cars – no flag Site Q missing, for MARY.


Pax pleasure.  LBC’s, Burpees, Dying Cockroaches, Alternating shoulder taps, Birdman crunches(done properly per Birdman), Supermans (CP you da man)  ending with lay and pray.  Great work men.

Announcements (competition has begun), Prayer concerns, Laettner took us out in COT.  Thanks for the keys PurpleRain.

Blart out

TClap |