Rucky Duck Backblast
We started at a 5.15 with mission statement and disclaimer began by walking to the beach and we did 3.75 miles interspersed with stops to do the following exercises:
1 stop: copperhead squat x 20 and 10 merkins
2 stop: Zercher squats x10 and 10 backpack curls
3 stop: Low slow flutter x 20 and LBC x 20
4 stop: overhead weighted sit-up x10 and 20 merkins
5 stop: copperhead squat x 20 and 50 yard bear crawl
6 stop: Protractor
We circled and @immigrant prayed for us
Thank you to all who attended @goodwill, @sniffer, @reefdonkey, @immigrant, @wilson, @bongwa and @allen

It was a wonderful start to the day.

TClap |