• When: 11/26/18
  • Workout Style: Bootcamp
  • QIC: Squid
  • PAX: Buckeye, Newman, Kiwi, Ron Burgundy, Monkey Wrench and Blart
  • AO: Ft. Benjamin Park, Knarr

YHC arrived early to turn on the lights of the basketball court at Fort Benjamin and ensure the plan would go down as advertised. Buckeye was designated as official time keep and at 0530ish we set off for a warm up lap round the parking lot.

Warmarama: SSHs, Cotton Pickers, High Knees, Windmills

To the court for free throws, if the shooter made good; next shooter. If the shooter missed, BLIMPS was the reward. Starting at the side line, 5 burpees, run across the court, 10 lunges, run back across to the other side line for 15 Imperial walkers, and so on with 20 Mt. climbers, 25 Plank jacks, and 30 squats all done OYO single count.

Not one of us made a free throw and so we did:

35 burpees, 70 lunges, 105 IWs, 140 MCs, 175 PJs, and 210 Squats

To the shed for erkins, derkins and dips followed by people’s choice for Mary.

As promised, COT adjourned at 0615.

Missed you Beesting, SYITG

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