• When: 05/22/2018
  • Workout Style: We were Running
  • QIC: Squid
  • PAX: Ricardo, Bayliner, Ramses, Pasqually, and Griswold.
  • AO: BRR, Dreadnought, Morehead City

A small group of HIM arrived this morning to hear a one minute warning and mission statement before we were off on a warmup lap around the parking lot. Griswold was bumping his gums non stop through the warmarama that consisted of windmills, stretches and sobriety style flying sungods IC x 10 each leg.(look it up Pasqually, its official).

Off to Glad Tidings for some 100 yard 11’s, starting with plank jacks on the west side of the parking lot and ending with mountain climbers on the other. This turned out to be 1.5 miles by Ram’s count and the longest 11’s in history according to the Pax. I did the math. Parking lot = 312 ft x 20 laps out and back.It was just over 6000 feet. Ok, let’s keep it up!

Mosey to the track for an inverted indian run. The lead man peels off to do 20 low slow flutters, then sprints to catch the back of the pack, announcing his arrival by yelling “SIX!”. Then the next lead man peels off, we did two rounds of this keeping everyone together.

Next up, split into two groups of three. Group A, Griswold, Ramses, and Squid ran two laps around the track at a hot pace. Group B, Pasqually, Ricardo, and Bayliner made there way across the field at the 50 yard line via Lt. Dan. The deer flies swarmed these guys immediately and relentlessly but they survived the trek and YHC asked if they had killed them all before we switched places.

They had not! The flies were brutal and Griswold professed that they were attracted to dark colors (which YHC was wearing). Off with the shirt, which was used to swat and fan away the flies with little to no effect or success. They are also attracted to light skin as it turns out.

We met up with group B at the track and headed up the bleachers for some hopping bleacher snakes and some calf raises at the top. We made our way back to the track for one more round of inverted indian run this time with squats x 10 as the exercise.

1.5 laps completed and it was 0612 by the q’s watch so we headed for the flag. The Q was warned about stopping before 0615 in the presence of Laettner. Close enough for YHC…Respect the hard stop.

Right at 4 miles today. Announcements were made and prayer requests lifted. Ricardo took us out.

Blart: You and your family are in our prayers.

Shout out to Ricardo: Well done today. Keep pushing.

Griswold: Thanks for the mumblechatter and the western support

Bayliner: Always a pleasure to see your smiling face in the morning

Ram: Thanks for the keys to the dread

Pasqually: Thanks for always arriving just in time

TClap |