Q: Monkey Wrench

PAX: Blue Cross, Floppy Disc, Spinal Tap, Crowbar, FNG (Stopcock), Ron Burgundy (Respect), Li’l Smokey, Devlin McGregor, Vila (Respect), Flanders, Trailerhouse, Pedro (RESPECT!), Sniffer (Respect), Reef Donkey, Holiday Mansion, Klinger (Respect)

Seventeen (yes, 17!) strong men gathered in the gloom of Shevan’s Park under the threat of rain with the intent of getting even stronger.  The Pax was extra eager this morning as everyone had assembled by 5:24.  We started right on time with a greeting to the FNG (Spinal Tap’s brother), introduction, and the F3 mission statement.

The Pax gently noted that no disclaimer was given so YHC skillfully slipped it in here.
Cotton Picker X 15 IC
Windmill X 15 IC
Sun God X 15 IC Forward / Reverse

The Thang
YHC had the Pax partner up, grab 1 band for the team, and mosey to the tennis court.
Partner A did Right Arm Curls while Partner B Bear Crawled across the court and sprinted back 2X. The mumble chatter was strong when YHC delivered the news about the bear crawls. Then the partners switched. We repeated this with Left Arm Curls, Right and Left Arm Presses, Hand Release Merkins, and the Squat. After a few rounds, YHC gave in to the chatter and reduced the bear crawls / sprints to 1 time across the court each.
We then did a Palette Cleanser around the block and repeated the above exercises, eliminating the bear crawls altogether.
We moved to the wall for 2 rounds of People’s Chair with Air Presses while each member of the Pax gave a 5 count.
We followed that with Balls to the Wall for a 3 count.
We closed out the thang with a round of Howling Monkeys.

Blue Cross led us in an abbreviated Protractor session.

All workouts are on for tomorrow, tropical storm or not. See Slack for details.

Prayer Concerns
The people of Texas
Dan Carr
Ronnie B led us in prayer.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead today.

Monkey wrench

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