• When: 03/31/2018
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Lunchbox
  • PAX: Purplerain, Pasqually, Buckeye, Skimmer, WiFi (Respect), Sparkles, Matlock (ENC), Snooki, Ladybug, Jwow, Buttoncap, Maytag, Laettner, Staypuft, Linus, Juicebox (2.0), Pillbox (Respect), Worldcup (2.0), Canary, Lunchbox
  • AO: Back Blasts, Cape Carteret Expansion, Field of Dreams, Western Park

A few weeks ago, YHC was reflecting on his time with F3 Carterico and realized his one year anniversary was approaching. I spoke with Laettner and he moved some things around so that I could take the Q at FOD. A year ago I would have been hiding from the opportunity to lead a workout, but much has changed since then. I was excited for the opportunity to give back to these men who help make me better everyday.

I arrived a little early, with my 2.0 in tow, to find a few Pax already waiting. We got out and engaged in the mumble chatter while awaiting the other Pax to arrive. YHC had prepared for up to 20 men to join him this morning, with a contingency for more if necessary. As the Pax continued to arrive, I was afraid my contingency may be necessary, but just inside the 1 minute warning, Buttoncap pulls in for a total of 20. Perfect! YHC called for a hard start at 0700 and we began with a flawless mission statement. We took a short mosey over to the basketball courts for…

Good morning x15ic
Hillbillies x15ic
Cotton pickers x15ic
Sun gods f/r x15ic
R/L 10ct
L/R 10ct

From there we moseyed to the back of my truck. I took a second to talk about what F3 means to me and made a statement about the burdens in life we sometimes carry and how we don’t have to carry those burdens alone. What a great segue to introduce some coupons! I opened my tailgate to reveal 40 one gallon water jugs. Each Pax member was instructed to take two. We would keep these with us for the remainder of the workout. From there we moseyed to the soccer field for…

The Thang

100 merkins
150 squats
200 Alternating Curls
250 Alternating Air presses w/ jugs
300 LBC

One partner would run the length of the small soccer field (carrying his jugs) while the other partner would perform the exercises. When he returned, they would switch and the exercises would continue. YHC informed the Pax that at no time during this Dora could their jugs touch the ground or they would incur a 5 burpee penalty for themselves and their partner. That meant for exercises that required you to use your hands, your partner would have to carry all 4 jugs. We began the exercise and it quickly became evident that the jugs would significantly affect the speed in which we completed this Dora. Pasqually would be the first to drop a jug, costing himself and his partner 5 burpees. He also discovered that if you slam your jug against someone else’s in order to make them drop it, you just end up busting both jugs.

Once the Dora was completed, we headed to the Football field for some…


The pax lined up down the sideline about 7-8ft apart in the plank position. One by one the first pax in line would make his way down the line alternating going under or over each man, all while carrying his jugs. He would then assume the plank at the end of the line. This continued all the way down the football field.

Once completed we headed to the picnic shelter for more partner work.

After picking new partners, instructions were given. Partner A would do an exercise while partner B took a lap around the adjacent playground, carrying his jugs. They would then switch and partner B would do the same exercise while partner A ran. The exercises  were AMRAP and were as follows…

Round 1: Dips
Round 2: Erkins
Round 3: Step ups/box jumps

At this point YHC called for a rinse and repeat.

With time fading, we moseyed to the end of the big soccer field. YHC instructed the Pax to leave their jugs in one pile. The pax formed two lines about 8-10 feet apart, facing each other. They then spread out arms width apart and shifted so they were diagonal from the man in front of them. YHC was first in line and would take a jug from the pile and toss it across to the man diagonal from me. The pax would continue tossing the jug down the line in a zig zag pattern. As soon as the first jug was tossed to the next man, YHC tossed a second jug, then a third, and so on until the pile of jugs was gone. As the last jug was passed, the pax would run to the end and reform the line to begin moving the pile again. We made it through two runs before time ran out.

With just a couple minutes to spare, we gathered up the jugs and dropped them in my truck on the way to Mary. Each pax was instructed to keep one jug and we had just enough time for one round of…


LSF with jug held over head x 20 ic

Hard stop

We ended the morning with Namarama and COT as always.

I’m so grateful to be a part of this life changing experience we call F3. I’m thankful for the friendships I have created with men I didn’t even know this time last year. I’m thankful for the encouragement and inspiration each of you bring in to my life. And I’m so honored to have the opportunity to give it back to you.


TClap |