6 men posted with the former Site Q for a fun start to Thursday. A couple cones and a couple coupons were strategically placed in the big field before the Pax arrived. Suitcase was keeping an eye on YHC at this point and was not happy about the distance between said cones. Misty rolled in off a solo standard, politics were discussed, and we were off…


SSH, Cotton Pickers, IW, Wind Mill, Merkins, LR, RL


Took a mosey to the light pole in the middle of the double soccer field. Time for some ladder work. A cone was placed at the midway point of each field. The sequence would to run to 1 cone do an exercise, to the next cone, to the end of the opposite field, and finally 200 yards across both fields. The exercises at each stop would be:

  1. 5 merkins
  2. 5 heel touch squats (these were designed for Gert who fartsacked)
  3. 10 CDD
  4. 10 peter parkers
  5. Last but not least, 5 burpees

To the endzone we go. Looky Looky there what do we see? A pair of 35 lb kettle bells waiting on us. *****The teams were unfair, thus the results are tainted. Deebo, Flip, Suitcase VS Misty, Jang, Monkey. 1 man per team would run to the middle pole and back WITH the kettle bell while others planked, switch out. Losing team 20 burpees each, winning team- slow mosey around the field.  2 rounds of this. My team lost, both damn times. The first round, Deebo tripped me and the second round he shoved me with an elbow, beating me by a hair. Fun times! This will be done again.

Mosey to pick up the cones and back to parking lot. Due to the intensity of running with the weights, YHC allowed 7 MOM for the first time in history.

LBC, LSF, Am Hammer, Stretches by Flip

6 PAX – 0 FNG

Encouraged the PAX to be selfless with their time, knowledge and resources. Don’t be afraid to let others get praise and encouragement. Spend your time pouring into others rather than hoarding what you have. Standing ball for the Lords Prayer.

3 great workouts tomorrow for each of us to be a part of. YHC always enjoys coming back to Q the Court. T-claps to my Edgecombe county brother Monkey Wrench for keeping this site going!

Special Q at the Hero Patriot this Saturday, ENCs own BONO. My plan is to talk smack to him for 60 minutes so it should be a good time.

Always an Honor to Q,



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