• When: 08/06/18
  • Workout Style: Bands
  • QIC: Immigrant
  • PAX: MyTSharp, DuckButter ,Wilson (RESPECT), Blue Cross, Gobbler (RESPECT), FNG Dave Jones (The Mooch)
  • AO: Back Blasts, Band of Brothers, Morehead City

A non-rainy Monday morning greeted the PAX as we gathered at Big Rock Landing for another F3 workout.  As we patiently waited for Flipova to bring the bands, YHC began giving out warnings of 5, 4, 3, bands arrive on time, 1 minute to go.  Mission statement and disclaimer were flawlessly presented, along with the welcoming of an FNG, we took a short mosey past the Bask Hotel for:

WARMARAMA (Each performed IC x 15)

Cotton Pickers, SSH, Sun Gods, Hillbillies

A quick return to the cutting board to pick up a band and begin:


Bicep Curls (r/l)

Shoulder Press (r/l)


Mosey to Gulf Dock and back

Repeat each 3 more rounds

Move to the tables for the following

2 rounds SC x15



Mosey to Gulf Dock

Repeat 2 more rounds on table


LBC’s, and some others that I can not remember

Announcements about next days workouts and prayer requests were made after namemarama and naming of our FNG.  YHC took us out in prayer asking that God take each request that is on our hearts and deal with them as He sees fit.

Enjoyed the company and mumblechatter this morning.

Until Next Time….


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