• When: 06/21/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Crabby Englishman
  • PAX: Birdman, Bayliner, Ramses, Jane Goodall, Holiday Mansion, Crabby Englishman
  • AO: Back Blasts, Swashbuckler

As YHC rolled up on the AO at 5:28, the site Q was eagerly looking at his watch. YHC has acquired many points in the fartsack your Q category. Today would not be added to that score. YHC had no specific plan today, I was making it up as I went. Go time was here and mission statement and disclaimer were given. Off to the track we went for a warm up lap then over to the practice fields for some warm-a-rama.


Imperial Walker X 15 IC

Left foot over right and touch toes for a ten count

switch feet and touch toes for a ten count

On to the Thang…

We moseyed over to the other side of the practice field we were on and YHC borrowed two cones, placing them 25 yards apart. YHC announced to the pax that we would be playing blackjack. On the first side we would do 20 Merkins and run to the other cone and do 1 LBC thus equaling 21. Back to the first cone for 19 Merkins run to the next cone for 2 LBCs. We continued until all pax had finished. Upon completion the pax had preformed 210 Merkins and 210 LBCs.

Back to the track we went, starting on the first corner we would run to the next corner and preform some more Merkins. on our first stop we did 10 Merkins OYO. On our next corner 10 Double wide Merkins OYO. Next 10 diamond Merkins oyo, finally finishing like we started with 10 standard Merkins.

YHC called for a mosey to the pull up bar area, over to the big brick wall for some peoples chair for a 10 count by each man.

BTTW for a 10 count by each man as well.

over to the benches we went for some dips x 20 IC

over to the pull up bars…

pull ups X 10 oyo

hold your chin up to the bar for a 10 count

mosey back to the flag for Mary…


Left foot to right knee crunch X 15 IC

switch legs, crunch X 15 IC

American Hammer X 20 IC

Hard Stop.

Announcements- workouts on Friday

Prayer concerns- None shared.

Ramses took us out in prayer.

Always an honor to lead and sharpen iron with the men of Carterico.

Crabby out.


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