YHC had been down as a backup for today as is Squid’s new tactic. With Ricardo having the Q duties yesterday, I agreed to handle the body of work if he handled the warmarama and Mary. Waking early to rain in the gutters I wasn’t sure what the turnout would be.  I was pleasantly surprised to find the rain had stopped and 10 brave souls showed to see what Ricardo and I had in store.  With the 1 minute warning given followed by the mission statement and disclaimer we were off to just inside the gate for some warm up led by Ricardo. SSH IC, Hillbillies IC, Sun Gods IC, Cotton pickers IC, leg stretches IC and maybe more. Once warm we moseyed back out to the highway for the The Thang.

The Thang: We would run the sidewalk stopping at each power pole for said exercise leading to 10 stops per round, 4 rounds total.

Round 1: Merkins x 10 per stop SC on Q’s down, 100 total

Round 2: Burpees x 5 each stop oyo, 50 total

Round 3: Plankjacks x 10 half cadence on Q’s count, 100 total

Round 4: 10 squats with ground slap (1/2 wojo) oyo, 100 total.

Mosey across the highway to playground for step ups x 20 IC, dips x 30 SC, Erkins x 15 SC, and Derkins x 15 SC. With 4 minutes to spare we moseyed back across the road to the gate for Mary. Seeing as we had made it thus far without getting wet, Ricardo called us to hit our six to make sure we knew it had rained during the early morning hours.

Mary by Ricardo: LBC’s x 30 IC, American hammers x 30 IC, and dying cockroach x 30 IC.

Hard stop: 6:15

Announcement for the Hero and FOD tomorrow. Kiwi took us out in prayer.

Thanks to Squid for the opportunity to call the shots today.



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