• When: 06/23/18
  • Workout Style: Beach bootcamp
  • QIC: Griswold
  • PAX: Birdman, Purplerain, plebe, mcgregor, fortnight, snowwhite, backsplash, matlock (ENC), doggy paddle (Aiken, SC), Moana (FNG), some dude from Durham, Griswold
  • AO: Cape Carteret Expansion, Emerald Isle, Hwy 58 & Islander

YHC has Q’ed dozens of F3 workouts over the last year, and I learn something new every time. Today I learned that it is difficult to concentrate on what’s next when there is a bunch of women posing in yoga pants on the beach.  👀.  Despite the distractions, we must lead and push on! 👊

Pulling in with 5 minutes to spare from a Snookie FOD beating and planting some beach coupons, Matlock was already waiting. Soon after, the FNG (Moana) ran up from a standard at his first F3 workout 💪🏻.  The double posters screamed in hot, and we started with a rolling warmaRama.  As we moseyed down the bike path we made some stops for: 

Walking sun gods fwd/bkwd IC X 10


Windmill IC x 10

Hillbilly IC X 15

Down/up dog stretch (the pax had some good names for these)

We then lined up at the base of “El Zarape hill” for some 7’s: Plank jacks and star jumps, with a backpedal up the hill and a Sprint down.  (Thanks navy!  As purplerain always says, the way to Q is to steal ideas from other pax Qs!)

At this point, the heat was setting in, so we partnered up and moseyed to the beach. Every minute or so, the Q called out for us to drop and do 10 Merkins (X 3).  We  ran up the beach access that is about 1/4 mile from the islander.  On the packed sand we headed down the beach to the islander lifeguard stand. On the way: side shuffle (each direction), high knees, butt kicks, backpedal.  We ran by a couple of random dudes hanging out on the beach.  I think it was purplerain that yelled out for them to join us, and they actually did!  We stopped at the water’s edge for some partner work: Some version of burpee builders: P1 ran around the lifeguard stand, while P2 AMRAP Merkins.  Switch and repeat. Then repeat cycle with groiners, tuck jumps, and finally full burpees.  One of the flying headlock FNGs stayed with us the rest of the way, the other looked at us like we were crazy and headed back to his tent. 

The Next partner exercise was to do 5 partner plank jump overs each, then wheelbarrow from the water to the lifeguard stand.  Partners could switch when needed, then sprint back to the water. At this point, we were gassed, so the pax took a 3-5 minute swim break while cones were set out… 

From waist-deep water, we ran/swam about 25 yds, then sprinted to the cones. We then bear crawled around the square: fwd, sideways, bkwd, sideways. Then a sprint back to the water. 

We then split into 2 groups for a contest of which team could fill a 5 gallon bucket first.  The buckets were in the soft sand and each of the pax had 1 or 2 cups to ferry ocean water.  One team finally topped it off, and we were able to finish on the beach with a good old fashion tug-of-war in the soft sand.  

Time was short, so we ran back up to the wash station, and moseyed together back to the flag.  Feeling the pressure of a 9am 2.0 commitment, YHC then broke my own rule, and had a hard stop about 2 minutes early from 8:15. Thank God Laettner wasn’t there!

The FNG was named Moana during namarama, and announcements were made. We prayed for many of our F3 brothers dealing with family illness at this time, and matlock’s brother in law. We also thanked the Lord for the many gifts the F3 brings us. 

What an awesome day in Carterico!  We had some serious studs double post on a hot day (purple, bird man, Snow White, backsplash, doggy paddle), and we got to celebrate Snooki’s one year.  

The dingbatter is shaping up to be one of my favorite AOs. It’s always got a breeze, no bugs, a chance to jump in the water when your hot, and great views (the ocean and yoga pants). Thanks Navy for the chance to Q such an awesome group of men.  

TClap |