• When: 7/7/18
  • Workout Style: Boot camp
  • QIC: Matlock
  • PAX: Screech (FNG), Wolverine (FNG), Griswold, Navy, Putin, Laettner, Lil Wayne, Matlock, MaBell, Purplerain, Maytag and a few other strong PAX (sorry fellas I don't have Matlock's video)
  • AO: Cape Carteret Expansion, Emerald Isle, Hwy 58 & Islander

Matlock from ENC was brave enough to step up to the challenge and guest Q the infamous Dingbatter.  Any HIM brave enough to show or to step up for the FOD/Ding double now knows that Matlock can bring the heat!

After several of us came screaming in from Gooney’s beating at the FOD, a mission statement, disclaimer etc. were given and we started out with a brief warmarama.  Apparently the Q felt we were good and stretched out because the first THANG turned out to be a BURPEE MILE.  We headed East on the bike path stopping at each intersection for 10 burpees.

It wasn’t long before the assembled PAX started to remind the Q that we didn’t seem to be getting any closer to the beach.  Putin and Wolverine, having forgone shoes, should have been a little more concerned than most.  However, Wolverine being an active duty Marine and Putin being a Coast Guard recruit remained swift, silent and deadly.

Finally we turned back towards our starting point and continued our blistering pace…but seemed no nearer to the beach after nearly 20 minutes of the burpee mile.  More reminders of the general direction in which the beach lay fell on the deaf ears of our fearless and merciless Q.

Eventually we were lead to the longed for sand of the Crystal Coast only to find out that Matlock had more than a leisurely stroll searching for sea shells.  With a brutal rack and stack we worked our way pack towards the pavilion.  It wasn’t long before we were pleading for a left turn into the cooling waters.  The Q then decided to tease us with a few rounds of 7’s, 11’s and 13’s with one end in the shallows and the other in the soft sand.  Did I mention that he made us bear crawl back to the water?

After the briefest of swim breaks we returned to the shallows for some more pain followed by a mosey back to the flag.  We made announcements, named the two FNG’s and finished in the BOM with a prayer.

Thanks to Matlock for taking time out of his vacation and dispensing his “special brand of justice” on all of us.

Apologies for the lack of specifics but the heat stroke erased most of my short term memory…

Navy (for Matlock) Out.

TClap |