Ron Burgundy must have gotten an extra hour of sleep, he was a little feisty this morning. But I was determined to break him like a wild stallion.

After a count down to the hard start, no FNGs were identified, Mission Statement was spout out and we were off to a mosey.

Warm a Rama included SSH x 20, Cotton Pickers x 10, Wind Mills x 10, and Hill Billy’s x 11

With that we did an Indian Merkin Run. Last person dropped for 5 Merkins, then popped tall and ran for the front of the PAX. Repeated until everyone did 2 sets. Except Burgundy who did 3.

Then 20 Wojo Squats followed by Indian run Merkins back to the starting point.

20 Ballerina Squats followed by 11s where the PAX endured Freddy Mercurys IC on one end and Gas Pumps on the other.

Upon completion, Indian Merkins to Big Rock for the peoples chair and to watch Anchor B lay around the parking lot.

From there we partnered up for wheel barrow Derkins. Rooney and Lil Smokey earned some extra credit, they both did 5 sets of 5, the rest of us started at 5 and worked our way down to one.

After a mosey around the tree of life and a second round of people’s chair, YHC treated the PAX to a musical rendition of “Bodies” by Drowning Pool. Merkins every time you hear a number, donkey kick each time you hear “let the bodies hit the floor” and plank the rest of the time. I don’t know how many donkey kicks and Merkins were done, I was too busy struggling to keep my body off the floor.

Mr. Burgundy led us through the protector and Plunger accused him of doing a Jang-a-lang, what ever that means, and we wound up on a HS.

Announcements Made and YHC took this PAX out in Prayer.

Thanks for playing, it was a pleasure!

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