As the Monday morning alarm clock goes off, YHC really was hoping it was a dream.  To my investigation, it was not and it was time to prepare to deliver a great experience for whomever posted on this wonderful morning.  With this being the beginning of the 60th Big Rock Blue Marlin Fishing Tournament, using the cutting board seemed like a lost cause but after arriving, I noticed plenty of space for a beatdown I was about to hand out.  3, 2, 1 minute warnings, along with mission statement and disclaimer were given and we were off for a short mosey down the waterfront to the corner at Jack’s for:


Cotton Pickers IC x 15

SSH IC x 15

Sun Gods IC x 15

Hillbillies IC x 15

Quick mosey back to cutting board for :

The Thang

4 rounds of the following (Rounds 1 & 2 15 reps each, Rounds 3&4 10 reps each)

Curls (R/L)

Shoulder Press (R/L)

Upright rows

Chest Press (Bands around post on dock)

Chest Fly (Bands around post on dock)

Mosey around Red Fish and back

After round 4, we quickly moved to the picnic tables for a little table work in the form of the following:

Erkins, Step Ups, and squats (All 10 reps each and led by YHC, Wilson, and Villa respectively)

One more mosey around the block and there was enough time for:



Dying Cockroach IC

American Hammer IC (Wilson)

Protractor (Blue Cross)

Hard Stop

Announcements and prayer request were made.  Please continue to pray for Doublemint as he would much rather be out here us.  YHC took us out in the COT.

It was yet another great morning spent among you great men of Caterico.  I count it a blessing each day when I am able to not only push those that I lead, but even more get pushed by those men as well.  Thank you for another opportunity and until next time….


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