YHC rolled up on the AO with a few minutes to spare before hard start to be greeted by the other pax getting their stretching in. A bicycle could be seen in the distance and my first thought was Deebo was appearing. It was Biscuit coming for his second dose of F3 medicine. Disclaimer was given, mission statement delivered and Monkey Wrench requested the five principles of F3. Sensing a delay tactic YHC called a mosey leading the pax on the path on the outside of the park. Returning to the flag we did some Warm-a-rama…


Cotton Pickers X 15 IC

Imperial Walkers X 10 IC followed by a recovery mosey

Calf stretches

Ending with Downward Dog

On to the Thang…

We moseyed to the field,, lining up on one end and Jail Breaking to the other the returning back to the starting point, rinse and repeat followed by a recovery mosey back to the flag. I had brought my blue tooth speaker and was attempting to play Thunderstruck by AC/DC. YHC was having technical difficulties getting the phone and speaker to communicate. YHC looked at the pax searching for a millennial to solve my issues but none was found in the pax. Using only the speaker in my phone the song played. Every time the word Thunder or Thunderstruck was heard a burpee was preformed. Upon completion it was back to the fields and break into two teams of three for a broken wheelbarrow carry across the field, rotating to give all pax the opportunity to get some work in. With about 50 yards left the pax had the look that we needed something else, YHC Omaha the movement calling for Lt. Dans until we reached the fence. Once at the fence we did BTTW for a 10 count/each man. The we did some derkins X 10 SC from the BTTW position. Mosey to the picnic tables for some Aiken Legs…

20 Squats SC

20 Box Jumps with Belly flop jumping to the top of the table! Highly impressive! SC

20 Lunges SC

20 Split Jacks OYO

back to the field for

Ski Ab Burpee X 10 OYO

Alternating Shoulder Taps X 15 IC

Tempo Merkin X 10 IC

Merkin X 10 SC

Time for some Mary…

Capt. Thor-( 1 WW1 to 4 American Hammers) we laddered up to 4 WW1’s and 16 American Hammer’s

Freddy Mercury X 20 IC

YHC invited the pax to call an exercise

Belly Flop- Box Cutters X 20 IC

Monkey Wrench – was a little too happy to be calling Boss Tweed’s. I reminded the pax to not make eye contact. Biscuit looked confused and followed his lead. Out of no where Monkey wrench calls for one arm in the air, imitating something out of a 70’s movie.

Buckeye was so worked up that he called Pickle Pounders, I warned Buckeye not to make eye contact with Monkeywrench. Those Coast Guard guys, gotta watch them.

Suitcase called Plank Jacks X 20 IC

YHC called upon Biscuit who could not think of anything and passed.

YHC took the reigns again for

WW1’s X 25 SC


Hard Stop

Announcements: Stampede and Hash Mark tomorrow

Prayer Concerns: Local family lost their child to flu sickness and a local who is battling addiction fighting to get on the right track.

YHC called for a standing BOM to take us out in prayer.

I am always reminded that we make an impact on people that we come in contact with, even if only for a brief interaction. It is always a privilege to be in a position to make an impact on five other pax. T-Claps to Biscuit for posting again.


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