It was rather warm this morning as Frosted and YHC cruised down Country Club road to WCHS. Upper 70s and very little breeze. The Pax arrived early and was eager to get after it. Blue Ridge training appears to be in full force at this time. Therefore, YHC felt it appropriate to bring The Michigan back to the Dreadnought. This would be a repeto of the Halloween morning workout when Rameses took over site Q duties from Misty. Major difference is that it was about 30 degrees cooler that morning! Here is how it went down…

Rolling Warm-o-rama

Run 1 lap around the track

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Indian Run 1 lap around the track

Windmill x 15 IC

Run 1 lap around the track

Leg Stretches

Indian Run 1 lap around the track

Down Dog / Up Dog

Stop at the goal line of the WCHS game field

The Thang- #TheMichigan:

10 x 100 yard dash

Jack Webb: 4 air presses IC, 4 merkin (increase 4 rounds to 16)

8 x 80 yard dash

Jack Webb: 4 LSF IC,  4 LBC IC (increase 4 rounds to 16). Deuce was quick to make sure YHC counted appropriately. Pasqually pointed out to the Pax where his will was located.

6 x 60 yard dash

Jack Webb: 4 overhead clap IC, 4 double wide merkin (increase 4 rounds to 16). This really started to burn the shoulders. Heavy sweat abounded.

4 x 40’s

Jack Webb: 4 prisoner squats IC, 4 reverse lunges SC (increase 4 rounds to 16.)

2 x 20’s

5 burpees just for fun

Pallet cleanser lap. We were close to 3 miles in at this point.

2 rounds of sprinting the straightaways and jog the curves. 10 Dying Cockroaches were done IC between rounds.

Cool down lap

Mosey back to shovel flag

1 minute of  Plank. Hard Stop. Great effort men. You’ve conquered #TheMichigan, plus some. 3.7 miles total


4 workouts tomorrow, check Slack. Beach run tonight. This was a tough workout under tough conditions. Congratulations to the men that posted this morning, very impressive effort.



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