Fartlek’s with Rosie

When: 6/1/18 Workout Style: Run QIC: Flipova PAX: Rooney, deebo, steamer, lassie, shroom, deuce, Bunion, Whinnie the poo, Rosie, Graco, bedsore, meme, madoff, poca, revlon, bedsore, crabby, knottyhead AO: Back Blasts 19 men gathered again in Beaufort at the...

Sailboat shopping

When: 5/30/18 Workout Style: Bootcamp/Bands QIC: Flipova PAX: Bunion, Twitty, Costanza, Graco AO: Beaufort 5 men gathered in the gloom prepared to work out. It was great to see a familiar face Costanza. YHC states who I was and we were off. warmarama SSH x 20 IC Sun...

We say goodbye to the Bridge

When: 5/15/18 Workout Style: Boot camp QIC: Flipova PAX: Ronburgundy, Bunion, Winnie the poo, WiFi, twitty, livermush, Boss Tweed AO: Beaufort, Clam Digger YHC got a phone call late last night with a request from Duckbutter to take over the Q because he was unsure...

Beaufort rules

When: 4/12/18 Workout Style: Bootcamp QIC: Flipova PAX: Bunion, Graco, Winnie the Poo, Twitty, WiFi AO: Beaufort, Man-O-War 6 men gathered in the gloom to participate in the Man-o-War. YHC was trying to think of what we could do since this was my second Q in the past...

Can you dig it

When: 4/10/18 Workout Style: Bootcamp QIC: Flipova PAX: Graco, Twitty, Bunion, WiFi AO: Beaufort, Clam Digger 5 men gathered in the gloom to participate in the Clamdigger. Still no Boss Tweed but we are hoping that he will join us soon and hope he is healing....