• When: 5/15/18
  • Workout Style: Boot camp
  • QIC: Flipova
  • PAX: Ronburgundy, Bunion, Winnie the poo, WiFi, twitty, livermush, Boss Tweed
  • AO: Beaufort, Clam Digger

YHC got a phone call late last night with a request from Duckbutter to take over the Q because he was unsure what day of the week it was and where he was. He had to step up and take over as West Carteret baseball coach just like Batman responds to the bat signal he took the challenge and was unable to lead the group in Beaufort. YHC wanted to make sure we paid our respects to the Grayden Paul bridge since it was going to be the last time for the second time we could run over the bridge. A disclaimer was given and we were off moseying down front street for warmarama:


Stopping at the intersection of Turner street and Ann st

SSH x 20 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Sun gods x 10 IC each direction

Windmills x 10 IC

We began to mosey down Ann street a couple blocks and stopped to performed 20 squats SC, another two blocks to the grass at Beaufort Inn and performed 20 squats SC and 20 Merkins SC and discussed what the true definition of a Merkin was. We took back off towards Orange street and up to the draw bridge.

We partnered up and completed a DORA, partner one performed the exercise and partner two ran to to the other side of the draw bridge and back. We performed

100 Merkins

150 Carolina Dry Docks

200 Alternate Shoulder Taps SC

Boss Tweed pulled some strings and before running off the bridge we stood in the middle of the draw bridge and that bridge attendant gave us a ceremonial siren as we looked at the sunrise. What a beautiful place we have to workout in the gloom. Boss Tweed then lead us in his famous Bridge humpers x 20 SC and we were off with one more siren. We stopped at the intersection of Orange St. and Live Oak and completed 25 LBC’s IC, ran two blocks and completed dying coach roaches x 20 IC, moseyed to the cutting board for LSF x 20 IC and back to the parking lot just in time for Winnie to get out without his M getting mad covered 2.87 miles. Nice work fellas

YHC took us out in BOM

It was a pleasure to lead fellas and until next time.



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