7 men intent on bettering themselves joined up around 2 shovel flags at CCC this morning. It has been 3 weeks since YHC has been in and amongst the pre dawn F3 crew. The Carteret funk, the downeast crud, re-emergence of college days STD’s or something worse had me down for the count over the holidays, but nevertheless, i’m glad to be back to start a new year in a new way!!

Mission statement and disclaimer were given and warmarama went as follows:

SSH IC 15, Sun Gods IC 8 each way, Cotton Picker IC 10, Imperial Walker 10 IC, Runners lunge 10 each side SC.

The Thang:

4 corners-

Corner 1 -a Kettebell exercise each round 10 bicep curls each side, 10 shoulder press each side, 10 Gobbler squat SC, 10 lat pulls each side

Corner 2 – !0-15 Mountain Climber IC (except round 1 which began as plank jacks by mistake led by him that will remain nameless

Corner 3 – 10 Mercans

Corner 4 – 10-15 Plank Jacks

From here we moseyed to Wall with one stop in the middle for a round of LBC’s IC 10, Low Slow Flutter 10 IC. a round of Peoples chair-10 count per man, and BTW 5 count per man. We then Lt. Dan down hill and ran back up to impress the HIN crew that they weren’t the only runners at CCC today.

Next to the porch for 4 rounds of dips 15 SC, Ercans 10 SC, Step ups 10 IC. Finshed the thang with one last round of 4 corners bicep curls 10 Each side SC. We did some work on our six for 5 minutes of Mary led by Spongebob, and Creflo (which i wish i had a video of for future incrimination). We ended with a COT with HIN crew and ZRon Burgundy took us out with a wonderful prayer asking for continued prayer for Lassie’s brother to shrink his tumor over the next 3 months in hopeful preparation of surgery in March, and a prayer for Beesting’s mom and family in the beginning of a journey with Cancer.

It was a pleasure to lead today and thanks to the PAX for the push and helpful correction on counts and keeping me focused away from KMART!!!

Devlin Macgregor

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