Site Q did not show up but Griswold and Laettner did. Laettner is nursing some knee issues and stuck to walking through the wind and rain this morning. Griswold, still nursing a back injury spent his time between Laettner and YHC running and walking. While running with Griswold, YHC felt the low, familiar grumble and tug of a morning glory trying to rear it’s head. At mid 30’s temp with a wind driven rain, it was hard for YHC to clinch his sphincter knowing he couldn’t trust a fart this time. Approaching the emerald isle visitors center, YHC said some early prayers that their exterior bathroom door would be open. He will be sending the emerald isle public works a fruit basket for Christmas as not only was it unlocked, it felt as though the Angel Gabriel himself had emerged from the warm bathroom as the knob turned. The bathroom was unlocked, clean, warm and inviting. YHC plopped out a giant dallop of relief, left the place as he found it and ran back out into the wind and rain. Circling back up for a few minutes of Mary, american hammers, bird man crunches and merkins were doled out.

Prayers for laettners M as she battles the crud, prayers for Griswolds continued recovered. Christmas party at Tony Romo’s for those that can make it (it’s BYOB but if you show up late, Purple Rain will prob just start handing them out).

Laettner led us out with a heartfelt prayer.


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