• When: 06-30-2018
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Misty
  • PAX: Winnie the Poo, Jenny Craig, X Box, Pele, Crabby E, Paddington, Kevorkian, Suitcase, Big Mick, Reproducer, Flipova, Deuce, Au jus, McGruber, Shroom...And others???
  • AO: Back Blasts, Dunes Club, Morehead City, Slick Cam

With summer in full season and the collective attention of our local PAX somewhat scattered between boating, diving, surfing, volleyball, fishing, and a general tendency to play too hard on a Friday night you never know what the morning will bring when rolling up to the Slick Cam…sometimes there’s the phantom post of a PAX member, only to discover their car never made it home from the night prior, others surprise by the enthusiasm which is present at a time in place least expected, given those aforementioned distractions.

As many know the Blue Ridge Relay Teams have been meeting at the bridge prior to the Slick Cam to get in a few elevated miles. This past Saturday proved to be one of those pleasant surprises with approximately 10 of our total 24 runners showing to circulate the bridge, knowing that all would assuredly leave straight from there to roll over to the Slick Cam for YHC’s post I was doubly excited…the presence of Rosie, Lassie, and Rameses at the Slick Cam would certainly brighten the day for those out of town PAX members searching for the distinctive brogue of Carterico.

The morning broke warm and still as the PAX gathered at the Dunes Club for another installment of the Slick Cam.  Rolling in from the pre-run the crowd was somewhat sparse, only YHC and Suitcase to begin the morning, soon however the vehicles began to filter in, one behind the other, with the Carterican’s distinctive in their crew cab 4X4’s…And of course my partner in crime for this mornings mayhem, Flipova with his assortment of tires and coupons to level out the sands of Atlantic Beach…having ran 3.5 miles already YHC made the executive decision to allow the PAX to carry the instruments of their torture with them as we progressed from Mary to the Thang.  As such the morning went down as follows:

Disclaimer thoughtfully and Carefully provided we moseyed to our new friends the tires and coupons and carried them along with us to the grassy field for Warmarama as follows.



Windmill IC X 10

Cotton Picker IC  X 10

Down Dog 10 Ct.

Up Dog 10 Ct.

Down Dog 10 Ct.

Up Dog 10 Ct.

Down Dog 10 Ct.

Warm and stretched we gathered our belongings and made a slow mosey out to the lifeguard stand on the beach.

The PAX dropped their accoutrement and was instructed to make a line (shoulder to shoulder) facing the Oceananna Pier.

The Thang:

With the PAX in somewhat of a line the order was given to Bear Crawl, we would work all the way to the Pier stopping periodically to ladder up, then down with the following.

10 – HR Merkins

20 – Peter Parkers

30 – Dry Docks

A short Jailbreak ensued following our last set of 10 HR Merkins, making our way to the Pier, we quickly turned and moseyed back to the lifeguard stands to pick up our long lost friends…the Tires and Coupons.

Forming into 4 teams with the 4th team being comprised of the 2.0 squad (50% of which were squired by Reproducer) we teamed up to perform an Indian Run headed to the West.  As the rear member of the PAX worked to pull the sled (tire plus coupon) forward around the other members of the PAX the remaining PAX would attempt to run in a slow enough pace for them to actually make it to the front, drop the sled and repeat. Out and back in this fashion for approximately half a mile.

We finished the Indian Run a bit dazed and in a mild state of heat stroke.  Therefore we decided to take shelter under the Pier for the following.

10 – Aussie Mountain Climbers

10 – Pier Pole Urkins

10 Pier Pole Durkins

Pallet cleanser around the pier and repeat for a total of three rotations.

Missing our tires we thought it would be a great idea to play with them once more.  As such we did the following.

Starting at the Pier and broken back up into our original four teams one man would pull the tire sled toward the Life Guard Stand at the Dunes Club will the other members of the team worked through the following Dora.

50 – Burpees

100 – WWI’s

150 – Merkins

200 – Star Jumps

250 – LBC’s

As the PAX worked they must also relieve their team member pulling the Sled out and back, making for a constant rotation of people between the DORA and the Sled.  A total of three rotations where made and about 1 1/2 revolutions of the DORA.

Eventually, and thanks to Au Jus observation it became apparent to YHC that we were close to needing an ambulance for heat exhaustion…so it was decided a wet Mary was necessary to lower our core temps!

Into the North Atlantic we went…A rolling Mary ensured with each member of the PAX calling out their favorite to round out the morning.

We gathered our belonging and made our way, some of us at least, back to the Parking Lot for Announcements and Ball of Man.

It was an honor and a privilege as always to lead such a spirited group this past weekend!


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