• When: 05/23/18
  • Workout Style: Kettle Bells
  • QIC: Nipple Shot
  • PAX: Ron Burgandy, Wilson, MeeMee, Thunderbob 2.0, Blue Cross, Chatlee, Proctor
  • AO: Back Blasts, Tinkerbells

Kettle Bell Q’s are typically confined to the paved areas around Morehead Country Club, however, the Q likes to venture to areas unknown and decided to break from recent tradition and dart off into the sunset leaving the HIN PAX in the dust….. wait… the dust comes are 6:14 when that big dude with the head phones shows up to blow off the parking lot…

Carrying our bells we ventured on out for a brief mosey before locating a nice grassy knoll for warmarama. Pretty sure the PAX didn’t pay attention to a thing I said but at least they appeared to be following along.


Windmills IC x 15

Sun Gods IC x 15, overhead claps IC x15, reverse Sungods, IC x 15.

With Warmara complete.. we ventured out to complete 2 Loooooooooong golf holes (17 & 18) with stops along the way for some kettle work. First stop on 17 Tee looked like this:

Kettle Bell Swings SC x 10

Should press right arm x 10, left arm x 10

Standing Row rt arm x 10, left arm x 10

Rt arm curl x 10, left arm curl x 10

On the six for skull crushers SC x 10

Mosey to the middle of 17 and repeated but this time ups the reps to 15.

Ahhh, almost forgot about the partner bell carry during the mosey’s. The PAX partnered up and one partner would carry both bells and the other would just mosey. We would swap after each stop for the next mosey. This is tough.. especially for the 2.0’s.

Next stop was the 18th tee box, reps increased to 20.

Next stop after the mosey to the Bridge on 18 upped the reps to 15

Moseyed along the path to the 18th green where the Q had to take a breather before finishing the round of ten reps each.

On the way back to the clubhouse we stopped to take in the view on #9 and worked in a little Mary;

LBC’s IC x 20

Box Cutters IC x 20

Blue Cross cut a fart so we scattered back to the parking lot where we circled up for namearama, announcements and prayer requests. It was a beautiful morning and great to be back out on the course.


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