20 showed up to the Sanitary Parking lot today to celebrate the passing of another GertFest. YHC knew that sweating would be very important for the majority of the pax to alleviate the spoils of the weekend. A redo of last summers Table Setter Qed by Tinactin would be the perfect remedy. With a FNG present, the Pax was provided a mission statement, disclaimer, and time to mosey.

To the Cutting Board for

SSH 20 IC, CP 10 IC, Mtn Climbers x10 IC, Down Dog, WIndmill x 10IC

To Just the Tip Park for

Line up on the sidewalk, bearcrawl across the grass. At the other side, 10 merkins, run backwards to start. This was repeated 10 times, 1 less merkin each trip.

Mosey a couple blocks for the Deconstruction of the Burpee. Partner up

Partners would run 1 block in opposite direction, perform an exercise, and meet back up at the start for another exercise. After each round, mosey 1 block west for another round.

  1. 10 double merkin burpees, meet back for 10 Booyah merkins
  2. 10 thrusters, meet back for 20 partner Am Hammers
  3. 10 Groiners, meet back for 10 Booyah merkins
  4. 10 star jumps, 30 partner Am Hammers
  5. 10 Double Wides, meet for plank

And the Structure of the Burpee is thus deconstructed. You had no idea what was going on did you?

2 line indian run back to the boat ramp.

DORA- 1 partner runs a block and back while the other exercises. 100 merkins, 150 squats, 200 LBCs

Mosey back to Just the Tip Park for a 5 count per man Plank on the chain. Although Puddles wanted to plank longer, time was running short.

Mosey back to the Flag with a jail break taking place after Southern Salt.

Tweed took us out in prayer.

Welcome FNG Carruth. Word is Ray Ray was just released from the pen.

Beach Run tonight 6:15 pm. If not running, just come watch to see if Lassie can catch Deebo!

Great effort today men, perfect way to get the week started.


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