• When: 12/22/18
  • Workout Style: Boot camp
  • QIC: Snooki
  • PAX: Plebe McGregor Backsplash Fortnite Snow White Pillbox (respect) Cooter Snooki
  • AO: Back Blasts, Field of Dreams

After arriving a few minutes early to set out some cones and a coupon or two, I saw the Plebe clan pull in with Cooter in tow. Two minute warning and it looked like it would just be the lucky seven. Even though there were more HC’s…🤔 .

started with…

Cotton Picker 15 IC

And here come Pillbox must be time for a hard start…

Imperial Walker 15 IC

Windmill 15 IC

A little mosey to the picknic shelter for

Dips, Derkins, Irkins 10 IC then 5 IC

A little mosey to the short bleachers for

10 bleacher squats and 10 WWI’s X’s 3

A little mosey across the field toctge cones

cones set at every ten yard for a 100 yards total. Bear crawl the 100 yards stopping every 10 yards for an exercise. 10 at the 10 yards line, 20 at the 20, etc to the 50 then count back down. First exercise Monket Humpers then LBC’s in the way back.

over to the far soccer fields for 7’s doing Burpees in both ends.

out to the parking lot for some parking line Merkins. 10 parking lines 1 merkin then 2 and back peddle to first so and so forth until the 10th line.

off to the concession stand for BTTW for as long as we could hold on. First at 99 degreeish then 45 degreeish.

Short mosey to the step by the Major field. Pax on the fence doing Buttercups while 1 picks up a tank Aprox 60 lbs carries it up the steps and back down, unless you wanted to bitch out and just carry the 15 lb kettle bell.

A short mosey to the hard stop.

Announcements and Cooter took us out on an awesome prayer.

Until next time….

TClap |