• When: 6/29/2018
  • Workout Style: NO PAIN NO GAIN
  • QIC: Frosted Flake
  • PAX: Monkey Wrench, Cooter, Plunger, Barnacle, Newman, Ricardo, Kiwi, Au Jus, Ronburgundy, Birdman
  • AO: Back Blasts

Started out on the way to the AO my head was spinning on which way to go as I have only been to the Hashmark a hand full of times.

With a few F3 brothers already on site when YHC arrived I decided to work with the lay of the land I knew .

5 minutes ,3 min, 1 min warning was give . 0530 the Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith along with the mission statement was given.

We started off on a slow mosey to the grass beside the entrance to brandywine.  We circled up and started with :



Sun Gods ICX 10F and 10B

WindMill IC x 10

Seal Clap IC x 15.


With everyone warmed up we started on the sidewalk facing down east :

The Thang.   The light Pole

Started out on a run every other light pole 5 merkins  25 Merkins

At the end turned around and started back with 10 deep squats at every light pole : 110 Squats

Once everyone was back everyman on the sidewalk facing the trees for around of 11’s:

10 Merkins run to the other side 1WWI

All the way down to 1 merkin and 10WWI

After the 6 was down we planked went down six inches off the deck for a 30 count by YHC.

Everyone in two lines for an Indian Run down through the road in between the condos back to the eastern entrance of the side walk.

Once there we ran to every other light pole 5 burpees for a total of 30 burpees.

Turn around back towards the east back down the path for 5 WWI at every light pole for 55WWI’s

10 count called out by Ron Burgundy so everyone could partner up .

Last was 5 Booyah Merkins with your partner starting at the second light pole .

5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Merkins for a total of 68 merkins.

We hoped back on the Mosey back to the flag for a total of 2.95 by my Garmin.

Great push this morning by all.

Annoucments: Barnacle on the Rolling Stone next week, Schembechler  on the Hero P, An Jus on the Table Setter, Ronnie B on the Knarr.

YHC took everyone out in a ball of man with the Lords Prayer.


Moleskin : Being in F3 for a little  more then 2 years now I have  found it easy to fall in and get a little burn out from time to time. I started to branch out and go to different work outs and it has reenergized me to keep pushing and sharing this gift that was given to me and now time to give back. I encourage you men to drive an extra 5,7,15 minutes and try a different AO.  Thank you for letting me lead this morning. Till I see you again the the gloom .

Frosted Flake.



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