• When: 12/4/2018
  • Workout Style: The Dreadnought
  • PAX: Shroom, Jang, Misty, Crabby, The 2nd Mile, Rameses, Deebo, Steamer, Au Jus, Bayliner, Hillary, Kiwi, Gertude, Lamar, Frosted Flake.
  • AO: Back Blasts

The Pax:Shroom, Jang, Misty, Crabby, The 2nd Mile, Rameses, Deebo, Steamer, Au Jus, Bayliner, Hillary, Kiwi, Gertude, Lamar, Frosted Flake.


With a hard start at 0525 we circled up gave the mission statement, disclaimer and counted off ones and twos.

Off on a mosey around to the front of the school for :


SSH IC x 25

L&R 15 second hold

R&L 15 second hold

Sun Gods IC 10F & 10 R

Mt. Climbers IC x 20


Off on a mosey around the eastern part of the school back towards the track we stop at the 50 yard line in our respective lines .

The Thang:

1’s against 2’s.

1st set of hims would take off across the field on the 50 yard line once you get to the other side 1 Burpee side straddle to the 45 do a Burpee come back across the field do a burpee side straddle to the 40.

At every corner you come to you would do 1 Burpee all the way down the field to the end zone. After you finish you met back at the 50 yard line.

Once the six was in we did 15 Burpees OYO .

1 lap at race pace meet back at the 50.

After the six was in we started round 2.

At every corner do 1 Merkin.

After the six was in 1 lap at race pace.

After the six was in it was time to head over to Glad Tidings . At the front of the church there are 18 white parking lot lines in between the speed bumps.

We performed 18 suicides .

After the six was in we hoped back on the mosey across the street to the pull up bars.

Ones on the bar and twos behind them. We did 3 rounds of 3 pull ups per man .

Next we did 4 dips 3 reps per man.

After every pax member finished we headed back to the track.

2 laps at race pace.

After the 6 was in we did one more round of the grid and 2 SSH at every corner.

Back to the flag for a Hard stop no time for Mary .

Announcements: Christmas Party on the 15th.

Moleskin: It never gets easier you just get stronger. Iron sharpens Iron.

QIC: Frosted


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