• When: 06-28-2018
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Schembechler
  • PAX: QiC: Bo Schembechler PAx: Blue Cross, Monkey Wrench, Reef Donkey, Suitcase, Nipple Shot
  • AO: Back Blasts, Carterican Court, Morehead City

Day after day we put in the effort, push hard, and grind. Today was about going the distance but not literally since we only covered .07 miles! It is about structurjng your weeks in a way that make fitness sustainable for months, years to come! Sometimes we can get caught in the Q-race of bringing to the fastest, the strongest, the most explosive beatdown to the PAX. However, as a Q it is important to serve the needs of the PAX, challenge them but over the distance of time and not all at once.

YHC, decided to put together an Aphabetic Beatdown that would allow for the PAX to get better, learn something, and enjoy the gloom, yes enjoy the gloom!

0530: a mediocre disclaimer was given followed by a short slow mosey to the courts.

Began with a couple movements:
Teach Stretch
Split left, Split right Stretch
Cotton Pickers (Ohio style) behind the back clap opening up the hips.
Straight Leg Cotton Pickers (ask someone.that was there)

The THANG: 65s of each movement followed by 20s rest
A- Abe Vigodas
B- Burpees
C- Carolina Dry Docks
D- Dancing Bears
E- E2K
F- Fiddler Crab
G- Good Mornings (palms up, palms down)
H- Hillbillies
I- Inch Worms
J- James Bonds (lexicon)
K- Knerkins (knuckle Merkins)
L- LBFC (little baby flutter crunches)
M- Merkins
N- non-alternating shoulder tap Merkins (lexicon)
O- Outlaws (on back draw 0 to right then left with feet)
P- Peter Parker’s & Parker Peters
Q- quadraphillia (backward run around court)
R- Rosalitas
T- toe taps on line
U- updowns (on Qs count)
V- Van Gohdas (Abe Vigodas laying on back)
W- Weezy Jefferson’s (leg raises 90-10)
X- X_Os
Y- Yeah by Joe Nicols (full song, plankjack on yeah, mountain climbers on She)
Z- zombie walk to flag…ish


It was a good time with lots of laughter, complaining, and some aight jokes!

Thank you all for having me!


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