• When: 4/6/18
  • Workout Style: Ruck
  • QIC: Gertrude
  • PAX: Chainlink, Puddles, Koko, Monkey Wrench, Suitcase, Duck Butter, Reef Donkey, CarlEton, Wilson, Mahindra, Spinal Tap
  • AO: Back Blasts, Rucky Duck

Image may contain: 5 people

As Spinal Tap and I returned from the 5am standard beach ruck, I was alarmed to see a lot more pax than anticipated, and immediately became concerned with several things at once, (a) not enough coffee pots or coffee cups, (b) vehicles parked everywhere on the street, (c) the neighbors calling the cops, and (d) people getting run over by Rooney coming in way too hot. Flashbacks to prom week 1984 had me looking over my shoulder for blue lights, prepared to make a run for it. Then, after Flip reminded me that getting towed and/or arrested were not my problem, I quit worrying about it, called the hard start, gave a very short intro, told someone to grab our three coupons, and off we 12 ruckers went to the beach, while 14 stampeders headed east.


No.  Ruckers don’t warmarama.


First Stop – curls, overhead presses, overhead pack hold for 30 sec., overhead presses

Second Stop (headed west on the beach) – 25 yd bear crawl, 5 burpees, 25 yd bear crawl

Third Stop – curls, overhead presses, overhead pack hold for 30 sec.

Fourth Stop (heading east) – double time run back to the beach access

Fifth Stop (at the beach access) – Bear crawl from the hard sand to the dunes, run back to the hard sand, Irkins SC (sort of-facing down hill towards the water), LSFs IC

Then we rucked back to the beach house for . . .


Lots of different stretches


It was great to see a large crowd for breakfast at the beach house, although one more coffee maker would have been nice. I will put that in the house journal for the owners that they really need to have the house prepared to serve at least 25 to 30 people.

Thanks to Spinal Tap for taking us out with yet another great prayer. As always, it was an honor to lead.


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