• When: 12/06/17
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Aflac
  • PAX: Holiday Mansion, Second Mile, Blart, Nippleshot, Bayliner, Rameses, Gertrude, Pastor Cleaver, Monkey Wrench
  • AO: Back Blasts, Hole in None

I remember my first work out like it was yesterday. It was cold, Lassie was the Q, and I had no idea what I was about to get in to. I was sore for about 4 days, could barely walk we did so many lunges and squats that day. F3 has changed my life in many ways and I am very thankful for that. Not only am I down about 20 lbs since starting, I am in a much better place mentally, and have met some awesome brothers along the way. I must give a shout out to Dipper (even though he fartsacked on YHC today after giving an HC), he was the one who finally convinced me to go after months of trying. Fellas if you have been EH’ing someone and haven’t been successful yet, don’t give up.

YHC was pleasantly surprised to see it wasn’t raining when I got up this morning. After a brief disclaimer and mission statement with the bells, the HIN pax took off for Warmarama.

A rolling Warmarama took place this morning. 1st stop: SSH x 20 IC, Cotton Picker x 10 IC. 2nd stop: Windmill x 10 IC, Sun Gods (forward & reverse) x 10 IC. 3rd stop: Hillbilly x 15 IC, Right over left & left over right stretch. 4th stop completing the loop: Down dog & Hand Release Merkins x 12 IC.

We moseyed back towards the flag for Tha THANG. The Pax lined up on the sidewalk facing the field towards the pond. After some brief discussion on whether or not the pax was to run in the pond or not, everyone partnered up for dora. Partner 1 would do the exercise while partner 2 ran to the last tree before the pond and back (roughly 75 yards). Exercises were 100 Merkins, 200 LSF, 300 squats.

Next we moseyed towards the front of the Civic Center and lined up on a curb. Next exercise was the ascending curb crawl. Facing the opposite curb across the road, each pax was to bear crawl across, once you reached the curb you did 1 derkin. You then bear crawl back to the other curb and do 1 derkin. We did this until reaching 10.

Once finished we moseyed to “the hill”. YHC had 4 cones on the hill placed roughly 25 yds apart. One of YHC go tos, the stairway to seven. Lining up at the bottom of the hill near the water, each pax would perform 1 burpee & 1 squat, run to the 1st cone and do 1 diamond merkin and back to the line. Next, 2 of each, run to 2nd cone, 2 DM and back to the line. We did this for the 3rd and 4th cones. Once we reached the 4th cone we worked our way back down the cones with reps of 5, 6 & ending at the 1st cone with 7 of each.

Heading back towards the flag we stopped at the benches for:

-Dips x 10 IC, Step Ups x 15 IC, Cliff Hanger Merkins x 10, and one more set up Dips x 10 IC. Cliff Hanger Merkins are done with a partner. Partner 1 places his hands on the bench while partner 2 holds his legs off the ground. Each partner performed 10 merkins.

Back to the flag for MARY:

-American Hammer x 20 IC: LBC x 15 IC: Box Cutter x 15 IC: LSF x 15 IC


3rd F Lunch today. Steamer at the Court, Ronny B at the inaugural Respect AO, Boss Tweed back on the Q tomorrow, Crabby at the Swash and Pasqually out West.

Prayer Requests:

Nippleshot has a very good friend who has suffered from two strokes leaving him paralyzed. Doublemint had a friend who tried to take his own life last week. Please keep them in your prayers. Ram took us out with an excellent prayer as he always does.

It was a pleasure as always to lead today.



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