• When: 07/23/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Winne the Poo
  • PAX: meemee, barnacle, speedbump, Paddington, Kevorkian (Respect), bedsore, Au jus, Boss Tweed (Respect)
  • AO: Back Blasts, Morehead City, Table Setter

Well YHC came in hot this morning (5:31am to be exact). Au jus had started the Pax with SSH in the parking lot. I thought for sure we would be drenched with rain this morning. Not a drop of water fell from the sky. YHC led the Pax on a shorty mosey to the cutting board for some Warmorama.

Windmills x15 IC

Hillbills x15 IC

Sun Gods X10 each way

Cotton pickers X15 IC



YHC then led the Pax across the street for some final warm ups.

First corner Plank jacks X20 IC

Second corner Should taps X15 IC

Third corner Mountain Climbers X15 IC

We then moseyed back the cutting board for THE THANG.

YHC wanted to do a stack and then unstack. Do to time constraints we just did a stack.

First exercise was 5 burpess  and run to 9th ST and back

2nd was 5 burpess  and 10 merkins and run to 10th ST and back

3rd was 5 burpees , 10 merkins, 15 star jumps and run to 11th ST and back

OMAHA because of time and humidity.

4th was 5 burpees, 10 merkins, 15 star jumps , 20 squats, 25 LBC’s and run to 13th ST.

YHC instructed the PAX to stop back at 12th ST and we repeated all the exercises in reverse order (25 LBC’s SC, 20 squats SC, 15 start jumps SC OYO, 10 merkings SC, 5 bupees OYO)\

We then moseyed to the Big Rock fountain for Dips X20 SC and Erkins x20 SC.

Finally we Moseyed back the Sanitary for Mary.

YHC led the first exercise with Dying Cock Roached X15 IC

Boss Tweed led is LSF X20 IC

Kevorkian led us in James Bonds (great Mary exercise!!!!!)

Meemee led us in Boss Tweeds X15 IC


2.7 Miles

Announcements were just the upcoming AO’s for Tuesday.

Prayer Request were Meemee’s dad and the three men’s families that lost life this weekend down south in the ocean.

YHC took us out in Prayer.

It’s always a pleasure to lead the Carterico Pax. I will be more punctual next time I am the Q.



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