• When: 1/7/2020
  • Workout Style: Boot camp
  • QIC: Snooki
  • PAX: Couch Potatoe (respect) Burnout Frank N Beans(respect) Paparazzi Skid Mark(respect) Ponch Caitlyn(respect) Cyclopes(respect) Snooki
  • AO: Back Blasts, Cape Carteret Expansion

Rolling into the park this am I see a steady stream of cars making a left into the park!! I knew it would be a great morning. As we are gathering I realize how much I do miss getting to hang with you guys, especially when I get to beat your asses!!
Hard start with a perfect and unrehearsed mission statement and disclaimer the light workout begins.
warmarama was

cotton picker, imperial walkers, windmills, and finally a catfight

with the sprinklers running it kinda messed up my plan, but it just made it easier. Shirt mosey to the soccer fields where Sparkles can watch from his warm kitchen.
four corners rack and stack: 10 WW1’s 20 merkins, 30 squats, 40 LBC’s. Then Unstack starting with the 40 lbc’s. Short mosey back to the parking lot for an easy Dora.
100 merkins

200 LBC

400 air press partner runs to bathhouse for 2 burpees

after teasing with a hard stop Lt Dans about 70 yards to where there would be a shovel flag planted if there was one.
merkin ring of fire from 10 down to one. Not sure but someone mention swallowing Merlot before it splashed

Supermans to bring us to a hard stop.
Announcements prayer requests and Burnout led us into the rest of the day.

As I inch closer to the Respect club, it was the respect club that outnumbered the crowd this am. It felt so good to be out there this morning and all I have to is get my ass back into the groove!! More Q’s to come soon!!!

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