YHC was glad, sort of, to be able to get back to a workout after several weeks.  Most PAX have been working out on roofs, trees, and sheet rock over these last 2 weeks.  YHC was  pleased to see 8 eager souls show as the 1 minute warning was given.  Just as the disclaimer was about to begin, Duck, Poca, and Madoff come screaming in with lights flashing and horns blazing.  As they disembarked, the disclaimer was given and mission statement and we were off.  Today would be a rolling warmara with various PAX members calling out a warm up exercise at each turn of the track.  In total, warmarama included 2 laps of the track with SSH, Cotton pickers, abe bigotas, sungods, imperial walkers, some funky leg hip twists by Duckbutter, and finally burpees ordered by Cooter, With warm up complete we completed one round of bleacher snakes and to the top row for some calf raises.  Toes in x 10, toes straight ahead x 10, toes out x 10, rinse and repeat but x 20 this time.  We now headed to the parking lot for a dora. Partners took turn running between the lights completing alternating shoulder taps x 50 IC, Merkins x 100 SC, LBC’s x 150 IC, yes IC, 100 squats sc and 50 dying cockroach IC. Now to the bleacher seat between the buildings.  As everyone sat to prepare for dips, YHC called for derkins, 15 sc, dips x 20 sc, erkins x 15 sc, dips x 20 sc, derkins x 15 sc, dips x 20 sc, and erkins x 15 sc.  Mosey back by baseball press box and down the front straightaway of the track and back to the flag. American hammer x 25 IC, LSF x 15 IC, planks, standard, low, downward dog, and reverse plank for a hard stop.

It was tough getting back to it as many of us are working all day and doing recovery work at night but the fellowship was great and we may have burned a few calories in the process.

Stampede, Hashmark, Rucky Duck, and Mullet wrapper tomorrow.  Anyone interested can head to Atlantic after the workout in the am to do some chainsaw work.  Also F3 team will join up with Baptist men on Saturday for a workday, more to come on Slack.

YHC took us out in prayer, praying for Doublemint to heal as well as our community.

SYITG: Holiday Mansion

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