• When: 04/17/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Buckeye
  • PAX: Ron Burgundy (respect), Monkey Wrench (respect), Suitcase (respect), Plunger
  • AO: Morehead City, Queen Ann's Revenge

As the pre blast warned, YHC was still under the weather, but that didn’t deter Plunger and the group with the weakend immune systems from showing.

SSH x 20ish
Cotton Pickers x 10
Hillbillys IC x 10
Abe Vigoda IC x 10
Sun gods x 10 each way
Dora’s half sister
150 American Hammers
100 LBC
50 WWI – YHC’s Yooper/Southern/Northern WI/ Downeast stuffed nosed accent created some havoc amongst the PAX but after 15mins we had it straightened out.
After that we got down with O.P.P. for a total of 100 plank jacks IC.
A palate cleanser brought us to Dora’s half Sister’s twin. Once we finished with her, mosey to parking curbs for Dominos.
Mosey to the picnic tables for two sets of:
Dips IC x 10
Erkins x 20
Step Ups IC x 20
Mary taught us our Alphabet and Ronnie B showed us his protractor.
I got shamed out of name a Rama, the respect crowd doesn’t show much respect…
Then came Announcements of workouts and the Port to Fort Run this weekend. YHC took us out in prayer.
It’s always a pleasure, thanks for risking a viral infection and posting with YHC today.
TClap |