8 strong men gathered in the Morehead City Country Club Gloom for TinkerBells. Conditions were known as dead balls perfect. The typical disclaimer was given along with the F3 Mission Statement.


All were performed IC
Windmill X15
Sun Gods F&R X10
Right over Left Stretching X15
Left Over Right Stretching X15

The Thang

6 basic Exercises. (Kettlebell Hand to Hand Swing, Kettlebell bent row Right & Left, Kettlebell overhead press Right & Left, Kettlebell curl Right & Left, Kettlebell Squat, Kettlebell offset merkin Left & Right, Kettlebell Bus Driver)

10 reps and then 12 reps

Then lieutenant dan keeping the entire pax together to the stop sign and back.

10 reps and lieutenant dan keeping the entire pax together to the stop sign and back.

Then it was time for a little picnic table action.

15 Erkins
15 Dips
10 Erkins
10 Dips
5 Erkins
5 Dips

We then returned to our Kettlebells for a repeat of the round of the above Kettlebell exercises for 10 reps of each. Again at this time it was back to the picnic tables for some more action

10 Erkins
10 Dips
5 Erkins
5 Dips

Finally one last round of Kettlebell exercises above for 8 reps.

Then it was time for:



Check Slack for workouts tomorrow.

Doublemint took us out with an excellent prayer in the COT.

It was truly an honor and privilege to lead the PAX this morning.

Blue Cross

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