• When: 05/23/2018
  • Workout Style: Bands Bootcamp
  • QIC: Wifi
  • PAX: Winniethepoo, Bunyon, Livermush, Puddles (Respect), and Graco.
  • AO: Back Blasts, Beaufort, Dockhouse

YHC rolled into the Dockhouse ready for some band work after a proper beatdown delivered from Jang-a-Lang just the prior day in Beaufort! Admittedly sore, it would be a great work out to loosen tight muscles. Apparently I was not the only PAX ready to get to work as Puddles (Respect) had arrived early and was walking/stretching on the boardwalk. Livermush came in excited and feeling great, followed by Winnie and Graco. Winnie with a truck of coupons (actually construction material returns far too big for coupons and reminding me to stick to the plan!). Graco was fresh off of a vacation of sailing the Virgin Islands and starting to give us a quick summary when lo and behold here comes Bunyon rolling in hot! The Mission, Disclaimer, and Core Principles stated we were off to the Maritime Museum for Warm-a-rama.

Warmarama: Wind Mills x 20 IC, SSH x 20 IC, Cotton Pickers x 20 IC, Good Morings x 20 IC, Sun Gods x 20 IC fwd/rev, R over L 20 ct L over R 20 ct, Burpees x 5 oyo.

The Thang:

Mosey back to the Dock House: Bands Round 1: Bicep Curls x 20 SC, Shoulder Press x 20 SC, Squats x 20 SC, Triceps Ext. x 20 SC, Side Lateral Raises x 20 SC, Standing Row x 20 SC, Chest Press x 20 SC, Fly x 20 SC, Burpees x 5 oyo.

Mosey a lap around Middle Lane and back with a stop at Cru Bar (but not for coffeeteria): Boss Tweeds x 20 IC, Copperhead Squats x 20 IC, Merkins x 20 SC, Monkey Humpers x 15 IC, Plank Jacks x 15 IC, Shoulder Taps x 15 IC, Burpees x 5 oyo.

Back at the Dock House: Erkins x 20 SC, Dips x 20 SC, Step-ups x 20 IC each leg, Derkins x 20 SC (a fired up Livermush counted these out!), Burpees x 5 oyo.

The Dock House: Bands Round 2: Bicep Curls x 20 SC, Shoulder Press x 20 SC, Squats x 20 SC, Triceps Ext. x 20 SC, Side Lateral Raises x 20 SC, Standing Row x 20 SC, Chest Press x 20 SC, Burpees x 5 oyo.

Mosey over to Queen St. for Peoples Chair 20ct while Air Pressing each PAX.

Mosey back over to the Beaufort Boardwalk for Mary:

LBC x 20 IC, Low Slow Flutter x 20 IC, American Hammer x 20 IC, Dying Cockroches x 20 IC

Name-a-rama, Announcements, and Prayer Requests:

Normal F3 workouts tomorrow (War, Court, Swash, Stone, etc.), Memorial Day Convergence (site tbd), YHC took us out in prayer.

As always, it was truly an honor to lead these fine men this morning in an effort to get better. Everyone pushed hard and hopefully got a little stronger as a result of their F3 commitment to post.

SYITG, until next time….Wifi out.

TClap |