Going into my first Q, I expected horrible weather; as we have had for the past two weeks. I drove over the emerald isle bridge at about 7:10 to a beautiful view of the sun over the water. It ended up being the nicest morning I’ve worked out on. Right before we started, Cooter flew in just as the clock struck 7:15. Thankfully the EI police officer did not seem to notice. We started out with a nice mosey to the Hot Wax surf shop where we did x20 side-straddle-hops (in cadence), x20 cotton (or cherry) pickers (in cadence), right-over-left calf stretches, left-over-right calf stretches, and x10 burpees (oyo). Then we moseyed to the Jackie’s Grill parking lot and did x15 imperial walkers, x15 monkey humpers, x15 squats, x20 sun gods (all in cadence), and x20 merkins (oyo). We then moseyed down Coast Guard Road all the way to Sea Dunes Drive, where we did an Indian (or Native American) run to the closest beach access. After a ten count we grabbed a partner and as one partner jogged to the next trash can down the beach, the other stayed and did an exercise. Once the first partner reached the trash can, the other jogged to them. Rinsed and repeated until both groups made it to the lifeguard stand at the Islander. Lastly, we did 11’s with swerkins (merkins in the water) and squats at the lifeguard stand. We ended up Omaha’ing so we could swim for a little. What? We ran over 3.5 miles! We earned a little swim time. I bet you didn’t do that. By the end of it, we ended up finishing a couple minutes late. Overall, I think it was a great workout. I broke the Dingbatter distance record (according to Maytag) on my first try! Imagine what I’ll be having us do when I get good.

TClap |